Friday, April 13, 2012

Chickens on the move

I awoke in the middle of the night after what has become for me a recurring dream. This all started when I remembered that our chickens need to move to Ohana with us. I do think they will enjoy living by Lake Fairlee. The question is how will they get there? I then started to envision a ridiculous car ride with chicken heads peeking out of the windows and the rooster (Francis) crowing all the way there. I am glad it’s not too long a ride…

We have three hens and one rooster in our chicken family. There is Francis, the Americana rooster and the hens are Lucy Brownie No Name, Fluffy and Paula Dean. They are big fans of tomatoes (and since I am too) we do our best to keep them out of the garden.

Deb and I checked out the deer fencing on the garden and the enclosures for both the goats and the chickens. All look to be in good shape and are just in need of their appropriate plants or animals.
Oh yes, the rest of the family needs to move too… Nolan (fabulous husband, father and best friend) and Stone (our adventurous boy- turning 2 this summer) are coming too! They are both excited- but for different reasons- Nolan can’t wait to start canoeing and Stone seems to be looking forward to throwing around pine cones on a full time basis.

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