Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 4 - GE Elfuns Work Week at Ohana Camp

Wednesday’s breakfast got off to a scholarly start at one table when the discussion centered on the proper use of the words further and farther. Fortunately, Will Lange was at the table and it was pretty much agreed that further refers to distance and farther is used relevant to progress, such as in “I hope my career goes farther.” Or is it the other way around?
Whatever the case, the GE Elfuns are furthering their progress as their projects go farther forward. The big news today is that the first shed is completed, and there’s enthusiasm for starting on a second one which will be located at the lower parking lot, replacing a rental storage trailer.
The library is a busy spot where Jean Bratton of Greenville, South Carolina, has catalogued more than 200 books, and today she’s getting a nice assist from Barbara Baker of Hampstead, North Carolina. Nearby Charlotte Albert of Potomac, Maryland, and Madeline Stephenson of Utica, New York, are sewing curtains for cabins. Classy!
Speaking of cabins, Don Dickerman of Leland, North Carolina, and Helen Gaul of Silver Spring, Maryland, volunteered for a very important and “tougher than it sounds” assignment. They’re attaching knobs to the cabin windows, and the challenge is that there are around 144 windows needing attention – each one presenting a unique challenge.
And in Tom Sawyer style, there’s a burgeoning group of folks hovering around the Sugar House, waiting for Andy to pronounce that the sun has dried the building enough for the outside painting to commence. That group may expand because the Fabulous Foresters (Gene Bratton of Greenville, South Carolina, Buzz Hope of Atlanta, Georgia, and Al Jankowski of Granville, Ohio,) have finished taking down selected timber to enhance the view of the lake from the porch.
All this energy comes to a halt after lunch because today’s the day for the Elfuns to spend the afternoon exploring the region, with many of them setting their GPS systems for Ben & Jerry’s. What’s a double scoop of chocolate when you’ve been working all morning!

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