Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ohana Camp Elfun Service Volunteers Tackle Day 3

It could have been a scene from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

But rather it was Deb Williams and the 23 GE Elfun volunteers figuratively singing “Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it’s off to work we go” on a beautiful Vermont morning, specifically Tuesday June 16. The group started its day with a salute to Marie and Buzz Hope of Atlanta, Georgia, who are today celebrating their 53rd wedding anniversary. They may not have had toast for breakfast, but they’ll have several “toasts” tonight at dinner.

Progress and pride are the key words for today. The Elfun team building the new shed at the waterfront (Joel Albert of Potomac , Maryland, Ronda and Ron Duvelius of Loveland, Ohio, and John Stephenson of Utica , New York), are making huge progress and could finish the job on Wednesday if the weather stays as nice as it is today.

Jean Jankowski of Granville, Ohio, and Kathleen Betchkal of Shaker Heights, Ohio were all smiles as volunteers stopping at the fabled Area 51 tool shed complimented them on their organizational skills. As the morning progressed they got an assist from Richard Hoffard, of Detroit, Michigan, who arrived there and announced that he was going to be installing new wiring for the building. So, with thanks to Richard, Jean and Kathleen will be able to shine not a little, but a lot, of light on their success.

Across the road the barn restoration volunteers weren’t glazey-eyed doing their day’s project, but Marie Hope, Michael Holmes of Hales Corners, Wisconsin, Pat Dickerman of Leland, North Carolina, and Ellie Lockwood of Arlington, Virginia, gleefully completed glazing the old barn windows, many of which needed new glass.

Andy Williams, with boundless enthusiasm, was power washing the Sugar House, which could only mean that he’d like to have it painted before the Elfuns leave Lake Fairlee. And when he finished the power washing the next project was just next door at the Gardenside building, the interior of which is at this very writing is now being gutted as a first big step toward its eventual renovation.

This has been a productive day, but all work and no play is not the Ohama Camp way, so at mid afternoon the kayaks and canoes will be occupied by GE Elfuns further building their appetites for tonight’s pork roast with all the trimmings!

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