Friday, June 26, 2009

New Aloha Camp Parents Welcome Lunch at Ohana

About 60 parents, who were bringing their children to the Aloha Camps for the first time, were invited to a luncheon at Ohana Family Camp on Wednesday. Opening day at the camps, is always a time of mixed emotions for first time parents. Elation that their children will have such a wonderful summer, probably a few little concerns, and often a feeling of emptiness as they leave their children at camp for the first time. The luncheon organized by Ann Downey, Trustee, and the Aloha Foundation's Development Department was a real hit with parents. They enjoyed discussions, a nice luncheon and a chance to meet each other and share a common bond. It's success will surely guarantee a repeat gathering next summer.


CerebralSybarite said...

Thanks for sharing the photos and fun event information!

JimZ said...

Just had a chance to read all the posts and look at all the pictures from the past couple weeks.

Love 'em!
Jim Z.