Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Work Weekend!

Work weekend was incredible! We had more than 50 volunteers spend Saturday and Sunday (some a few days more!) jump starting our 2012 season.

Not only were the big jobs taken care of but the details too. This might be why I loved the weekend so much- everything was attended to with great care and enthusiasm. I really didn't know what to expect. As work weekend approached, our list of things that needed to be done kept growing longer but Deb and Andy assured me that when the work weekend family got here- all would be done. And it was! 

The docks went in with ease courtesy of The Borg. And the dock crew had enough energy and spirit to move right into tent setup afterwards. The library was arranged, swept and de-webbed. Flowers were planted and leaves were raked. Each cabin got the opening and deep cleaning it needed from a truly dedicated crew. Pine cone after pine cone after pine cone was picked up and carried away.

The kids crew was incredible… every one of the “kids projects” was completed in record time! And no the turkey was not sighted in her nest.

Other moments of note pictured here: dedicating the apple tree to Andy and Deb...and then seeing our hole was filled with water and everyone taking turns to fill it back up with dirt, Chippy and Bob's birthday cake and the first 2012 ringing of the bell.

The enthusiastic and caring volunteers make work weekend a great success! We have fun, work hard and eat well! If you haven't joined us before it feels like family getting together to open our place for the season. Everyone here has deep roots in Ohana.

The energy that work weekend brings without a doubt brings Ohana to life… the trees stand up taller, flowers are brighter even the dirt looks better. We all get infused and inspired from this weekend.

I can’t wait for you to see Ohana this year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

christian retreat centers in nebraska is the only place where everyone can peacefully commune with God – adults, youth, children, communities, families and others. For the past 70 years, this place has been a great respite for many who wanted to quit even a day out of their normal routinary lives.

Maranatha Bible Camps exerted a nice effort in maintaining the place through volunteerism and collaborative efforts with many individual and groups. Until this day, this retreat center continues to employ the services of volunteers although some are now paid employees. This place is God-given for all of us.