Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Staff Profile: Scott Brierley

Hi! My name’s Scott (or you can call me Scotty). I cannot wait to come to Ohana camp this summer and become one of the family. I’m most excited about getting involved with every aspect of camp, especially archery and down at the waterfront, meeting lots of new people making new friends, and creating lots of memories.

So a little bit about me. I’m from Birmingham, England and I live with my brother. I’ve nearly finished my final year at the University of Birmingham studying Business Management, but still haven’t decided what career I want to go in to. I’ve had lots of experience working with people of all ages from volunteering at a primary school, being a peer mentor at secondary school and a student ambassador at university, to being an administrator in a nursing home. I was the Vice President of the International Volunteering Society at university, and worked in a Bulgarian orphanage, and wa also the President of the Freshers’ Off Campus Society arranging events for people living at home whilst studying.

I love going out with my friends whether it be for a meal - my favourite food is undoubtedly chicken, or chocolate! - cinema trips, nights out, or even just for a random drive with no specific destination to see where we end up! In my spare time I like to go to the archery course, and keeping fit by running, swimming and going to the gym. I’m a film, television and music geek, I love keeping up to date with things, and experiencing different cultures. I apologise in advance for any sudden singing of random European music!

Travel is also a big part of my life. I’ve been to quite a lot of European countries and have been to the USA twice before, spending time in Florida, Boston and Cape Cod. I’ve also taken part in some charity hitch-hikes across Europe with friends raising around £1000, in the first year we got to Belgium and in the second year Austria (placing third overall).

My favourite holiday memory is probably jet-skiing off the Greek island of Crete. Me and my friend Sarah were jet-skiing, and then when we slowed down to less than 5mph to turn the jet-ski around, I fell off and brought Sarah with me. We then had the hilarious challenge of trying to get back on to the jet-ski, whilst in the middle of a laughing fit, with the jet-ski drifting further away!

I’m known amongst my friends for dressing up for any occasion! I’ve
dressed up as Pharoah Tutankhamun, Edward Scissorhands, The Mad Hatter, a vampire, a Union Jack, a sumo wrestler and even a polar bear. My favourite outfit though, is probably my morphsuit as you can mix it up all the time!

My most incredible outdoor adventure was probably my Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award practice expedition where myself and a group of students had to camp out and trek for three days across the Welsh countryside. It was such a challenge as the bags were ridiculously heavy and the weather was horrific, (non-stop torrential rain and we were all completely soaked) but this didn’t stop us having an amazing time as the views were stunning. We took part in lots of other activities but I was most known for my clumsy moments such as; When sea-level girdling, I got caught on my rope half-way across and was hanging in mid-air, whilst wave after wave, hit me in the face. Falling on the biggest rock I have ever seen in my life, but somehow didn’t notice it was there until it was too late. Accidentally knocking down a natural stone wall with my heavy rucksack. Sinking a kayak as I was using it (I’m convinced there was a leak!). And finally getting stuck up to my waist in a boggy field and after a friend failed in attempting to get me out with a tiny stick, I had to be lifted out by my Geography teacher – one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

In the future, I want to do travel more. And then settle down with a family doing a job that I really love.

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