Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ohana Camp Welcomes Spring

The old earth is turning again and spring is in the air. Soon we will welcome Ohana Family Campers back to the shores of Vermont’s Lake Fairlee.  Even if we did not have the gift of sight, we could simply hear the arrival of spring. Every day there is a new voice to be added to the spring chorus.  The Red Wing Blackbirds arrived in mid March with snow still on the ground and ice on the lake! They cling to the cat-tails on the lakes edge as they stake out their territories.  The wood frogs are also looking for mates as they began their “duck like” chorus last week in the ephemeral (temporary) pools that dot the property. They are courting at a frenzied pace, triggered by the increasing light, warmer days and the open shallow pools. Their eggs will be laid shortly,  the hatching tadpoles will mature and head back to the forest.  We expect their cousins, the Spring Peepers, to start singing any day now.  And soon we will have the sound of Family Campers laughing and playing all around the beautiful grounds of Ohana Camp.  Campers will be happy to see all the work that has been accomplished this winter thanks to our dedicated Buildings and Grounds crew.  Most of the 23 cabins now have new roofs, including Cabin 11, or affectionately known as “Area 51.”   Work on our historic barn has started with the installation of electricity and lights. This summer it will be used for arts and crafts activities.  An Alden rowing shell was the first of our new boats to arrive, along with kayaks.  And a much needed new storage shed for the waterfront will arrive in a few weeks.  The natural world, and the human world are coming alive with excitement as we anticipate summer, and our families gathering once more to enjoy the warm weather on beautiful Lake Fairlee.   


CerebralSybarite said...

Great to see a new spring post!

Tracy and Jane said...

. . . representing hundreds of blog fans who don't comment . . .