Sunday, April 27, 2008

April at Ohana Family Camp

It's late April and Spring is bursting out all over Ohana Camp. Little leaves are emerging on every tree and the grass is starting to green up. The hillsides are glowing with the soft hues of many shades of green and the reds of the maple buds. There is a pile of snow left on the north side of the dining hall, but we suspect it will be gone in a week or so. It's time to get out our rakes and start cleaning up after a long winter. The loons have been back on Lake Fairlee for a couple of weeks, where they will start nesting along the shore in early May. Our loons have most likely wintered along the coast, although some may stay on Lake Champlain's open water. Vermont Loons have finally been taken off the endangered species list, but are still being carefully monitored by the Vermont Loon Recovery Program The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department reminds us that it is important for humans to stay at least 300 feet from nesting sites, and adults with young. This summer at Ohana, we will participate in the official Loon Watch on the third Saturday of July. We hope for good results.